This is new and it feels weird, but I’m devoted.
I’ve experimented with sharing my writing on social media, but it never felt quite right. It never felt like it was in its right home. However, after a series of synchronicities, I was miraculously led here. I thought maybe if my writing lived somewhere different, spared from the dependence of an algorithm, I would feel more open to sharing it. It would feel more right.
See, I’d rather it goes straight to you. Well, your inbox. Where you can read on your own time. Not the limited glance of a tweet or post. Eventually, I’d like my words to live through books and films - but for now, e-mails will be our sacred place.
If you’ve been following me, you know I’ve been going through an awakening of sorts. A major self-transformation. It’s something I’m still digesting. But the most important lesson I’ve learned through it, is that you must speak your truth to initiate the world you want to live in. To become the person you not only want to be, but deserve to be. To find relationships where you flourish - and help others flourish too. This is me carving that space. Discovering that world. Entering the the void. And bringing you along with me.
Electric Blue will be an ever-changing chasm of poetry, musings, playlists, films, and probing dissections of the human condition. When I think of the superhighway of my thoughts & feelings - all merging to create a fusion of words, the rush of lightning of a sentence -
I think of the color electric blue.
Like jumping into an ocean of pure neon.